Top 5 Funny Blogs for people who are sad or need a Break. I bet you, These are Damn funny, so take a break from you Shitty Instagram feed and Fake Tinder matches
While being online 24/7 is not always great, the list of ways that you can entertain yourself through the web is practically endless.
On top of social media sites, there are also tons of funny blogs to read when you’re bored.
5 Funny Blogs for People who Really Need to Laugh
1. Not Always Romantic

If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you might have heard about Not Always Right. It’s a blog that documents how employees try to satisfy unreasonable customer demands from the employee’s perspective.
Not Always Right also has a sister site called Not Always Romantic. Once again, it parallels the same concept. Through Not Always Romantic, readers can send in their stories detailing weird, offbeat, quirky, or downright strange conversations between themselves and a loved one.
From unromantic quotes, to stories about how couples first met, this funny blog has it all. At the very least—even if you’re not laughing—it will leave you feeling slightly amused. Not Always Romantic is definitely one of the more interesting blogs to read when you’re bored., the website where you can share your funny, awkward, or heartwarming stories about love and relationships. Whether you are single, dating, married, or somewhere in between, we want to hear from you.
You can submit your own story, comment on other stories, or browse through our categories to find stories that match your mood. is a place where you can laugh, cry, or sigh with others who understand the joys and challenges of romance. Join us today and share your story with the world!
2. Don’t Even Reply

Have you ever wanted to mess with people who post ridiculous ads online? Or maybe you just enjoy reading hilarious email exchanges between strangers. If so, you should check out, a website that showcases the best of email trolling.
What is email trolling, you ask? Well, it’s when someone responds to an online ad or a classified listing with the sole intention of wasting the poster’s time, annoying them, or making them look foolish. The troll usually pretends to be interested in whatever the poster is offering, but then gradually reveals their true colors through absurd requests, nonsensical questions, or outrageous claims.
For example, one of the posts on features a troll who responds to an ad for a snow plow service. The troll claims to have a huge driveway that needs to be cleared, but then proceeds to ask the plow driver to also remove the snow from his roof, his deck, his pool, his car, and even his dog. The plow driver becomes increasingly frustrated and confused by the troll’s demands, until he finally realizes he’s being pranked.
Another post shows a troll who replies to an ad for a used car. The troll offers to pay the full asking price, but only if the seller agrees to deliver the car to him in another state. The seller agrees, thinking he’s getting a great deal, but then the troll starts adding more and more conditions to the deal, such as asking for a full tank of gas, a car wash, a new stereo system, and a personalized license plate. The seller eventually realizes he’s being scammed and backs out of the deal.
The website is full of these hilarious email exchanges, and you can browse them by category, rating, or date. You can also submit your own email trolling attempts, if you’re feeling adventurous. But be warned: email trolling is not for the faint of heart. You might end up angering some people, or even getting into legal trouble. So don’t try this at home, kids. Unless you’re really bored and have nothing better to do.
3. r/IAmVerySmart
For Reddit….. Readers

While this subreddit does dip into screenshots—and screenshots are technically pictures—most of the screenshots on r/iamverysmart are usually of text. As such, we think it should make the list.
As a forum devoted to making fun of online posts from people who think they are “very smart,” r/iamverysmart is one of several massive subreddits that cover the huge levels of ego that you can find on the web.
These posts range from people preening about their IQ scores in ironic ways, to “not-so-humble-brags.” It seems that everyone wants to shout from the rooftops that they are better than everyone else in the room, and often, it comes back to bite them.
With over 1 million members, this subreddit is definitely updated frequently. Although it’s not a blog in the technical sense, it can definitely fall under the category of “fun blogs to read when you’re bored.”
4. So Sad Today
So Sad Today: a Twitter account devoted to sad-but-funny one-line tweets.
Part millennial humor, part self-effacing doom and gloom, this Twitter account captures the mindset of a generation (or several) that is always on the brink. Even still, it seeks to find some laughter in the darkness.
So Sad Today has almost a million followers. In fact, there’s even a book to go along with the account. The book is called So Sad Today: Personal Essays by Melissa Broder. It’s a must-check-out if you’re a regular Twitter user.
Laugh Out Loud With More Funny Sites
With this list of blogs to read when you’re bored, you can settle in, start reading, and smile.
If you’re looking for other funny sites
Also Read: Top 5 Trolling Websites on Internet to Mess around with your Best friends